Members Highlights 2017

27 Jan 2017

National Co-operative Confederation of Rwanda (NCCR)

Under engagement, NCCR in partnership with Land’O Lakes organized for a meeting with different partners , the meeting  resulted into formation of a “Cooperative Learning Platform “(CLP) with the aim of getting together different Stakeholders and updating them on the sector developments and National Orientation of the Cooperative movement.

Hon. Francois Kanimba; Minister for Trade and Industry in Rwanda was the Guest of Honor accompanied by Mr. Munanura Apollo  Director General of Rwanda Co-operative Agency, Chairman of NCCR Mr. KATABARWA Augustin with the host NYIRIGIRA Willy, the Coordinator Land’O Lakes.

In June 2017, Rwanda held International Day of Co-operatives celebrations in the Northern Province of Rwanda led by Hon. François Kanimba. The event saw a number of cooperatives countrywide in attendance with some scooping awards from various categories with NCCR getting the award of Good Service Delivery to its members.